Business Writing that Works

Quick Tips

  • Use plain English. If you wouldn't say it, don't write it.

  • Avoid outdated phrases and unnecessary "legal speak."

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs.

  • Tell the reader what you would like him or her to do.

  • Make it easy for the reader to contact you.

Business Writing that Works

Want an example? Check out the How-To article Business Letters…Before and After

“Per our conversation, enclosed please find the proposal from XYZ Services” Would you ever say this out loud to a client? Probably not. It would sound ridiculous. But I’ll bet you’ve gotten letters and emails that sound like this.

Loosen up your writing (but not too loose)

Sometimes people think business correspondence has to be formal to be perceived as businesslike. In reality, people will be more engaged if you loosen up and be yourself. On the flip side, some people have become too casual in digital communications because of texting and social media.

Whether online or on paper, your business letters, emails and other written communications should be professional and courteous without sounding stuffy or antiquated.

Make it sound like a conversation

Here’s a good rule of thumb when choosing your words: if you wouldn’t say that sentence in a conversation, you probably shouldn’t write it either. I’m not suggesting you start your proposal cover letter with “What’s up?” but plain English is much more appealing than language that sounds like a lawyer wrote it (no offense to the lawyers). You’re not writing a thesis, so it’s okay to use contractions such as “I’m” and “we’re.”

Banish the formal language

Use words people can understand and lose the lawyer-speak. Instead of “enclosed herein please find,” you can just say, “Here’s the report I told you about.” It gets your point across in a friendlier way. Rather than dragging out the ancient phrase “please do not hesitate to call,” instead you could say “give me a call.” Why would you want to imply that they would hesitate in the first place?

Keep it moving

People are busy, so there’s no time for beating around the bush. Just tell them what they need to know.

Get to the point quickly

The opening sentences should clearly state the purpose of your writing: “XYZ is pleased to submit a proposal for your expansion project. I’ve included documents that answer each of the points outlined in your RFP.”

Keep it short and simple

Try to keep your sentences to an average of 16 words or fewer. Limit paragraphs to two or three sentences each. This makes the text easier and faster to read, and helps keep the reader’s attention.

Be positive

Try to avoid negative expressions: “Our proposal does not include X, Y and Z.” Instead you could say: “If you would like to add X, Y and Z to our proposal, I’ll be glad to provide an updated quote.” When writing to a dissatisfied customer it’s important to be positive, even if you weren’t at fault. You can help restore good will by being sympathetic but direct. “I understand your frustration with the delay. As soon as we receive XYZ from your PDQ department, we can move on to the next phase.”

Give your writing more power

Try to keep your writing as active and interesting as possible without making it too wordy.

Use active verbs

Passive verbs sound wimpy: “Your needs will be assessed and a feasibility study will be prepared.” Instead try this: “We will assess your needs and prepare a feasibility study.” It’s a subtle change that makes a difference.

Draw attention to important points

Use bullets to attract the reader’s attention and to highlight important facts. Bullets are also great for previewing and recapping your key points. Keep each bullet point brief…two sentences max. If your bullet points start looking like paragraphs, they’re too long.

  • We have more than 20 years of experience with XYZ.
  • Our team includes a PDQ specialist.
  • We recently completed three similar projects on time and under budget.
  • We can complete your project by July 28, well before your grand opening.

Motivate the reader to act

Use the last sentence to remind the readers what you want them to do. “Please call Pam at 404-378-0081 by Friday, June 12 to make your reservation for the Open House.” For more informal situations you can use a P.S. line to restate an important action or date. “P.S. Don’t forget the special offer expires June 5, so call us today at 404-378-0081.”

Make yourself accessible

You’ve just written a proposal for a really great project. The client will get her hands on the proposal Friday afternoon. When will she read it? Over the weekend, probably. You expect her to have questions. If you really want the client to call you, make it sound genuine. “Please call me anytime if you have questions. My office number is 404-378-0081. If you’d like to discuss the proposal over the weekend, feel free to call my cellphone at 404-909-2654.”

Some tips about email communications

If you’re sending official communications (cover letters, proposals, etc.) via email, compose this writing just as if you were writing a hard copy. Keep the email letters neat, professional and concise. Even though an email doesn’t have a space limit like a sheet of paper, don’t write a dozen paragraphs. Nobody has time to read that. Avoid being overly familiar. Steer clear of texting abbreviations like pls or thx, and use the spell checker.

When writing less-formal business emails, feel free to be casual with recipients you know well; just keep the communication professional and positive. Remember, your business emails are a reflection of you and your company. Also keep in mind that the recipient is likely to share your email with other people, so take care what you write and how you write it.

—by Eve Wyatt: web, writing and design for small businesses

Want an example? Check out the How-To article Business Letters…Before and After

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